I am taking place in a sketchbook project. It is actually called The Sketchbook Project (go figure) put on by Art House. Basically they sent out 500 of theses little guys, we are all to fill them up and send them back by August 1, 2008. I signed up a few months ago and I finally got my sketchbook today! I had some fun drawing in it while recording PotterCast today, and I got like four pages done during my meeting tonight. I plan on scanning my progress as I go, so hopefully there will be more updates as I trek along. The theme is "how to change the world", these first few pages are just warm ups for me and don't really reflect the theme too directly. But I do plan on doing a little comic in the middle somewhere that will tie a little more into the theme.
Hope you enjoy!
Hope you enjoy!
That's such a cool idea, and your pages are incredible. I especially like the red and yellow angel guy with wings. :)
And thank you for the link to Art House. Now, my summer will be full of awesome.
P.S. I hope you don't mind comments from strangers...
hmmm... my soul is male.
I like the style of the 4th one down!
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