Sunday, December 30, 2007


This past week in the midst of the fiercest WOW TCGing that I have ever been, and probably will ever be a part of my friends the Curtis's, Matt and Amy, introduced me to some wonderful new music! It is called MIKA, and I fell in love. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

If you like Queen I think you will enjoy this.


Lauren said...

Mika rocks. he's so awesome. I love his music, it's so happy and awesome! Awesome awesome awesome. He's quiet famous in the UK, a lot of people like him!

Meh said...

Yes! I love Mika's music so much, and he got me through one of the toughest breakups in my life. His happy spirit about some very sad concepts just put you in a good mood. I just wish some of my friends would look past the falsetto and bright colors...