Monday, February 08, 2010

Church Notes | Guilt or Conviction

This was a study from waaaaaaaaaaay back in June. I drew it with hope of coloring it but never got around to it.

"Don't feel guilty for where you are at, but convicted about where to go from there."

That stuck with me. So often we get hung up on guilt. It's okay to have an emotional response to what you have done, but to just sit and stew in it can be a very bad thing. Guilt can be a very selfish emotion, typically it is focused on what "I" did. Instead of dwelling on what "I" did I need to remember what "He" did. If I am truly repentant His sacrifice on the cross covers my transgression. I need to realize that a better use of my time is getting up and doing something for the Lord by serving His people. Turn that guilt into conviction.


Sugarspoon said...

Great message, Frak. And great artwork to go with it. :)

Madeline said...

Wise words, Frak. I have been caught up in the selfishness of guilt many times in my life. Thanks for sharing your musings and meditations with us!

ocm said...

Hrmmm... This is exactly what I needed to chew on.


Now to figure out how to "go" from here.

Your notes and musing are great--thanks for sharing them.
: )