Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Church Notes | Double Minded

This was a study on anxiety and worry. What I really loved about this study and never understood until this past Sunday was this: To be worried is to be double minded. That was such a powerful realization! This past year was a nightmare, I had so much anxiety. I was literally letting Satan and his brood tear my heart and mind into pieces. How I fought it was to choose humility and realize that I need to repent from these thoughts, feelings, and fears. I had to CHOOSE to pray against them. The teacher put it perfectly, to escape the pulling and smothering and tearing anxiety you first must 1) repent from the thoughts, 2) pray against the thoughts 3) and meditate on God and who He is to help get your eyes off of yourself and onto Him.

If you couldn't tell, I represented worry as a six headed snake. Even thought it is coiled around him and hissing, it's venom can not touch him when his heart is pointed in the right direction.


Josh Kenfield said...

Wow, Frankie. Thank you so much for sharing this. I also feel such a serpent hissing and pressuring me away from an all powerful God.
CS Lewis paints a similar image in a scene from his book The Great Divorce.

Malin said...

How can you have so few comments in your blog.
You´re really talented. You seem really great at human anatomy which isn´t the esiest.