Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Café Sketch

A little over a week ago I needed to kill some time before a movie. Normally i would just go find a nice area to draw in, but this time I didn't bring my sketch book. I decided that I was going to check my e-mail and do some other web stuff, but to my utter dismay all the Wifi was password protected. There I was, 28 minuets to kill, and a semi-useless laptop. It turned out that a cafe in the area had open mic night, and I wanted some espresso (go figure). So I went in to check it out. It was really cool and I enjoyed it a lot. Some of the people who performed were really talented, and others not so much :P, but still better than most.

Now I wanted to draw, the one time I don't bring my drawing paraphernalia with me. I could have gotten up to get the supplies from the car, but I would have lost my prime seat in an all ready cramped cafe. I was lucky enough to find a lil red Bic Pen in my laptop bag waaaaaay at the bottom. Then I snagged some napkins and long story short Frankie was happy. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice sketches!