Sunday, January 04, 2009

Church Notes | Dependancy

This sermon was on being vulnerable with God, and what he wants to do with you. It was a difficult message to hear, but good to hear. I tend to get wrapped up in my own sins and the grace I need. I forget what grace is really there for. I forget that Christ's sacrifice wasn't just to get me out of Hell, but that I might also further his Kingdom. I'm trading a kingdom of flame and isolation for one of Light and fellowship. And not only do I get to live and serve in this beautiful kingdom, but I get to help build it and help shape its beauty.

This year I am going to try and give a little exposition on what I am doodling in my Church notes. Expect most of them to be me just having fun, some silly, and every once in a while something poignant.
This one is me holding a broken heart, giving it to the only person who can truly mend it, and me having wings. I love wings, and I love to draw them as symbolic representation of knowing the Lord/sainthood.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hi Frak! I found your blog through Pottercast (I'm so happy that you've joined them, by the way!) and I just wanted to tell you that I love reading your church notes (well, seeing your art in general, but especially the church notes). They are a great reminder of God's grace and an encouragement to me. Plus, they're quite aesthetically pleasing :-)

Thanks for sharing it with the world!