Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Taking a page from the wonderful and talented Jake Wyatt for the Might Month of Marvel.
This is a young Nightcrawler, cira Ultimate X-Men, who is just seeing if he can teleport faster than a text message. Ya know normal young mutant stuff.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hoo Me?

I watched the "Splicing"episode of Batman Beyond tonight.
So I drew myself with a little splicing of my own.

I would splice owl DNA! :P

The Fallies of Frankie

Last Friday and Saturday I had a rough couple of days, my clumsiness managed to reach new heights. 

Friday afternoon I managed to bite my own finger so hard that I drew blood. MY OWN BLOOD! 

Twenty minuets later I discovered that I managed to smash one of those McDonald's Apple Pies in my pocket, covering my ear-buds and 2 of my favorite drawing pens in dumb apple-goop. 

Saturday morning I fell off a rock and halfway down a hill. 

To top off all the fun, on Saturday night I decided to burn my iPhone case on a candle at the dinner table.  #YAY #sarcastichashtag 

 I worry for my future self.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Failure Club Meeting 5 Doodle

I drew Chamber today. 
 It was fun.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

When I Should Have Been Drawing the Model...

... I drew this cute girl with awesome hair. 


... a modern day Snow White. 
Which I  now realize has the same haircut as the Snow White from "Once Upon A Time". #ohwell